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Salvi Media
/ Rebranding

Branding, Logo, Rebranding, Guideline


Salvi Media


USA, Chicago



Salvi Media is an internationally recognized Chicago-based digital agency. They were looking to rebrand their old logo into a new format where they could feel flexible. We kicked off this project with a challenge: to rebrand the company's old logo into a format where they feel flexible to use it in various applications.

We started by getting a clear picture of Salvi's identity. We were able to identify four key elements: Chicago as a brand, creative flexibility and innovation, design excellence, and core services. After this analysis, we developed a brand guideline to ensure that every future decision would be informed by these four pillars. With this foundation in place, we created a new logo system and color palette that would reflect Salvi's values. Basically, our brief was to rebrand Salvi Media’s old logo into a format where they can feel flexible. We took Chicago's colors, we bend the play button into an elastic shape like the new world going itself. We created brand guidelines, color schemes, and other rebranding materials to help Salvi Media's new identity seem flexible for its future endeavors. The rebranding was a cooperative process that was both challenging and amazing. We also created several icons that could be used throughout all of their graphic design and branding materials.

The rebranding process was gratefully amazing. A little change can be a good thing - and being able to see the world from a brand-new perspective is even better. Here’s to all the wonderful things that happen when we bring in fresh ideas, voices, and inspiration.

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